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Version Date: March 4, 2022

EEO Tech Co., Ltd. (“EEO”) hereby reminds you (“User”) to read this ClassIn User Agreement (“Agreement”) carefully, thereby making sure you fully understand all the terms and conditions of this Agreement before registering as User of the Services and use the Services provided by EEO. Please read this Agreement carefully to decide whether or not to accept this Agreement, including but not limited to the terms exempting or limiting the liabilities of EEO, in particular, the provisions exempting or limiting the liabilities of EEO, dispute resolution and law application. This Agreement applies to ClassIn websites, software, mobile applications and ClassIn Mirror applications (“ClassIn”).

When you fill in the information, read and agree with the content of the Agreement and complete all the registration procedures according to the instructions on the registration page, or after you fill in the information, read and agree to this Agreement according to the instructions on the activation page and complete all the registration procedures, or when you actually use the Service through the methods permitted by EEO or accept this Agreement by any express or implied methods, you shall be deemed to have fully read, understood and accepted this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be legally binding to you. You shall comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall not claim that this Agreement is invalid or require the rescission of this Agreement for the reason that you have not read this Agreement or have no response to your inquiry made on EEO.

If you are a minor under the age of 16 or you do not have full capacity for civil conduct for any other reason, you shall have your guardian read this Agreement and decide whether to agree to it with particular attention to the terms and conditions for the use of minors. If your guardian agrees to this Agreement, you shall have your guardian set up the ClassIn user account for you, and both you and your guardian are bound by the terms herein and responsible for the use of the account or services. 

I.The Scope of the Agreement

1. This Agreement defines the rights and responsibilities between EEO and User located outside mainland China for the use of ClassIn. You or User refers to the individual or the legal person, unincorporated organization or natural person that registers, uses or accesses the Services. “Institutions” refer to schools, enterprises, other non-enterprise units, studios or individual teachers that are legally established and exist, which uses entity (school) user services on ClassIn.

2. ClassIn Services refer to the products and services provided by EEO to Users, including but not limited to the online classroom, submission of homework, instant messaging, friend addition and management and cloud drive. The Services may be changed by EEO from time to time, subject to the actual performance of EEO (“Services”).

3. This Agreement is the main service Agreement between you and EEO. Whereas we provide you with a variety of services, if you choose to use relevant services, the following agreement may constitute a supplementary agreement between you and EEO. The supplementary agreement is inseparable from this Agreement and has the same legal effect. You should abide by the contents of the relevant agreement and the documents cited therein, including ClassIn Privacy Policy (we regard User information security and privacy protection as our lifeline, and we will strictly abide by the ClassIn Privacy Policy for the collection, use and sharing of your personal information;

In order to better explain the functions of various services to you, we may formulate special terms of service for specific services. You can refer to these terms of service on the page of relevant products/services.

As a User of the services, you should abide by the above agreement and the documents cited therein.

II. User Account Registration and Management

1. User must register an account of ClassIn, excluding ClassIn Mirror applications which do not require account registration and login, before using the Services. If you are under the age of 16, you shall have your guardian register an account for you. The account of ClassIn should be registered through, as well as bound with, a mobile phone number. User should use a mobile phone number that has not yet been bound with an account of ClassIn or that has not been banned by EEO in accordance with this Agreement to register an account of ClassIn EEO may change the method of account registration based on the needs of customers or products without further notice to User. You understand and agree that you are obliged to maintain the authenticity and validity of the information you provide. If the information you provide is illegal, untrue, inaccurate or not updated in time, it may bring you adverse consequences or relevant legal liabilities.

2. Given the method of account registration, you agree that EEO can use the mobile phone number provided by you and/or can extract your mobile phone number automatically and/or can extract your International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number automatically and/or other information at registration for registering an account of EEO.

3. The ownership of any ClassIn account belongs to EEO. User obtains the right to use ClassIn account after the completion of account registration. The right to use belongs to the person who initially registered the account. Giving, borrowing, renting, transferring and/or selling is prohibited. EEO has the right to retrieve the ClassIn account at its own discretion for business reasons.

4. When User registers an account of EEO or uses the Services, EEO needs to collect certain information of User so that EEO could provide service to User (including but not limited to the online classroom, task submission, chat, cloud disk), or contact User when needed. User acknowledges that for the purposes of performing this Agreement, EEO needs to collect and process User’s personal data, and subject to Article IV Protection of User’s Personal Data of this Agreement.

5. User has the responsibility to store account information properly and to ensure the safety of the account password. For loss of account and/or password caused by inappropriate storage, User shall bear the responsibility solely. User undertakes legal responsibility for the action generated by the registered account. User agrees that, in any circumstance, User will not use account and password of others. When User suspects that the User’s account and/or password is used by another, User may inform EEO immediately. User understand and agree that it takes a reasonable time for EEO to take action on any of User’s requests, and the actions we take at User’s request may not be able to avoid or prevent the formation or expansion of the consequences of the infringement. Except for the legal fault of EEO, EEO is not liable for User’s loss.

6. User shall comply with all the terms of this Agreement and use the Services correctly and appropriately. For User violating any terms of this Agreement, EEO has the right to suspend or terminate the Services provided to User in accordance with this Agreement. EEO also reserves the right to retrieve the ClassIn account, username from User.

III. User Behavior Specification

1. User commits that all the materials produced, uploaded, copied, published and/or transmitted by User in the process of using the Services, including but not limited to account registration information such as account profile picture, account name, account statements, account verification information, and words, voice messages, pictures, videos and/or information sent, replied, automatically replied by User, relevant linked websites, and all other materials generated in the process of using User’s account and/or the Services and the conduct of User shall be in compliance with the law and this Agreement. EEO shall have the right to manage the information that User upload, release or transmit. If EEO discovers information whose publication or transmission is prohibited by laws, regulations or this Agreement, EEO shall have the right to immediately stop the transmission of such information, take disposal measures such as deleting the information to prevent the information from spreading, save relevant records, and report to relevant authorities. EEO may close User’s accounts if necessary.

2. User agrees not to use ClassIn account or the Services to produce, upload, copy, publish, and/or transmit any content that in fact or in our reasonable opinion:

(1) breaches any applicable laws or regulations (or may result in a breach of any laws or regulations when used in a manner permitted by this Agreement);

(2) spreading rumours, disturbing orders of the society, damaging unity of the society;

(3) spreading obscenity, gambling, violence, horror and/or abetting crimes;

(4) insulting and/or libelling others, infringing rights of others;

(5) disobeying fundamentals of laws and regulations, national interests, legal rights of citizens, orders of society, morality, informational trueness;

(6) containing sensitive information in regard to politics, religion or morality;

(7) containing false, harmful, coercive, infringing upon others’ privacy, harassment, infringement, libel, vulgar, indecent, or other content that is morally objectionable; or

(8) containing other contents restricted or prohibited by applicable laws, regulations, rules, ordinances and any other legally effective rules.

3. User shall not use ClasssIn account or the Services to produce, upload, copy, publish, spread information below, disrupting EEO’s normal operation and/or violating interests of others or any third parties:

(1) containing any sex or sexual implications;

(2) containing information of abuse, intimidation and/or threatening;

(3) containing information of harassment, spam, malicious, and/or fraud;

(4) concerning with privacy of materials of other individuals, or entities;

(5) violating reputation, right of portrait, intellectual property, trade secrets, and other legal rights and interests of others; or

(6) containing other information that also disrupts the normal operation of the Services and/or the legal rights of others and/or third parties.

(7) containing other contents restricted or prohibited by applicable laws, regulations, rules, ordinances and any other legally effective rules.

4. All information transmitted, published by User in the process of using the Services does not reflect, represent and should be not viewed as reflecting or representing EEO’s opinions, positions, or policies and EEO does not assume any responsibilities.

5.  Users promise to abide by laws, regulations and relevant legal principles in the process of accepting the Service; It shall not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of us and any third party, disturb our normal order, interfere with the normal function of the network and endanger the safety of its network system; The User shall not perform any of the following behaviours, including but not limited to:

(1) Access or log in to EEO products in any way not recognized in this Agreement, such as robot software, spider software, crawler, screen brushing software, etc., illegally invade EEO’s or others’ networks, interfere with the normal functions of our or others’ networks, steal network data and other activities endangering network security. Including but not limited to: using, destroying or attempting to destroy, automatically attacking, developing or abusing our resources or our network security protection measures without authorization for any purpose, using any network robot, spider, crawling tool, pet grabbing program, anthropomorphic program or other non real users or avoiding Destroy technical measures and other abnormal automatic means to read, copy, transfer and access any content of the Service, use plug-ins, plug-ins or access relevant systems of the Services through other third-party tools, operation platforms or any services without our permission; Cracking, destroying, deleting, modifying or adding the network services and related software and hardware facilities of EEO products, and deleting, modifying or adding the data and application programs stored or transmitted in the computer information network; Upload, copy, transmit and disseminate any software virus or other computer code, files and programs that interfere with, damage or restrict the function of any computer software, hardware or communication equipment, interfere with or damage the Services or servers and networks connected to the provision of the Services; Provide others with procedures and tools specially used for activities endangering network security, such as invading the network, interfering with the normal function and protective measures of the network, stealing network data, etc; Providing technical support, advertising promotion, payment and settlement and other assistance to others who know that they are engaged in activities endangering network security; Other acts that violate laws and regulations and endanger computer network security.

(2) Causing or likely to cause unreasonable or disproportionately heavy load on the Services in any way;

(3) submitting, publishing false information, or stealing profile pictures of others, pretending to be others;

(4) forcing, soliciting others to follow or to click linkages or to share information;

(5) fabricating information, hiding trueness to mislead or to deceive others;

(6) infringing the right of reputation, right of portrait, intellectual property, trade secrets and other legitimate rights of others;

(7) using ClassIn account and any function in a promotion or mutual promotions without EEO’s written permission;

(8) using technological measures to create a massive number of fake accounts;

(9) producing, publishing means, tools in relation to behaviours above or promoting/ transmitting these means and/or tools, whether or not for commercial purposes;

(10) violating other laws and regulations, legal rights of other Users, or disrupting the normal operation of the Software.

6. User must be responsible for the trueness, legality, innocuousness, accuracy, effectiveness of the information when using ClassIn account or the Services. Any legal responsibilities transmitted by User should be undertaken by User alone and do not concern EEO. If User causes damage to EEO or any third parties, User should indemnify in accordance with laws and regulations.

7. The Services provided by EEO may include advertisement. User agrees that advertisements provided by EEO, third parties and/or partners may be displayed in the process of using the Services. Unless prescribed by laws and regulations explicitly, User should be responsible for making transactions concerning these advertisements. If User suffers any loss or damage due to making transactions based on the advertisements provided by EEO, any third parties and/or partners, EEO does not undertake any responsibility.

IV. Protection of User’s Personal Information

1. The protection of User’s personal information is a consistent system of EEO. User shall know, understand and agree that the use of the Services may involve the collection, storage, use, sharing and protection of users’ personal information. When User uses the services provided by EEO, User agrees that EEO collects, uses and shares personal information in accordance with this Agreement and ClassIn Privacy Policy.

2. In order to provide User with online classes and other services, EEO is entrusted by the institution to collect and process your personal information according to the agreement with the organization and the organization’s requirements. EEO hopes that through the ClassIn Privacy Policy, EEO can clearly introduce the processing methods of users’ personal information to User. Therefore, we suggest User read and agree to the ClassIn Privacy Policy in its entirety to help User better protect User’s personal information rights and data security.

3. EEO attaches great importance to the protection of minors’ personal information. If you are a minor under the age of 16 or you do not have full capacity for civil conduct due to other reasons, you shall inform your guardian to read this Agreement and the ClassIn Privacy Policy before registering an account or using the Service and may not use the services provided in ClassIn without the consent of your legal guardian.

V.Network safety

1. Although the Services are accessible from all over the world, not all functions discussed, mentioned, supplied or provided through or on the Services are available to all people or in all geographical locations. You should know that the products or services you purchase from EEO do not necessarily comply with the laws or technical specifications of your location. If you continue to use the Services, it means that you voluntarily submit your personal information to EEO, and shall be responsible for using the Services purchased from EEO in a manner that complies with local laws and regulations.

2. You may not attempt to access any content of the Services or use any services of EEO without authorization through illegal intrusion, password cracking or any other illegal means. You cannot track, reverse search, crack or decipher the information of any clients of EEO, including but not limited to the ClassIn account of any other User.

You may not violate any network security mechanism or authentication measures of EEO or link to EEO, and may not detect, scan or test any network vulnerability of EEO or connect to EEO. You may not launch any form of network attack against EEO and spread viruses, zombies and Trojans in or through EEO.

You agree not to use any equipment, software or program to interfere or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of the Services or any transaction in the Services or interfere or attempt to interfere with the use of the Services by others. You shall not take any action to store an unreasonable or disproportionate amount of data on the infrastructure, system or network of the Services, or on the system or network linked to the Services.

3. The Services may contain links to other independent third-party’s EEO services, which are only provided for the convenience of visitors to the Services. EEO does not provide any express or implied guarantee for the content, service and information of the link, and such link is not regarded as the recommendation, approval or authorization of EEO for the link. You need to carefully judge the interaction with such a link.

4. The network connection, security and confidentiality of data transmission between you and the Services are affected by the technology adopted by you and the telecom operator you use, or other external factors other than the Services, although EEO has adopted a prudent internal security management system and operation process and prevented computer viruses and network attacks For the technical measures endangering network security such as network intrusion, the information and data you send to the Services are still likely to be intercepted by others. EEO cannot guarantee the network connection between you and the Services and the security and confidentiality of data transmission.

VIStatement of “Cloud” service and limitation of liability

1. EEO’s “Cloud” service is to provide User information storage service module and basic online storage as well as other online services through cloud technology. EEO’s “Cloud” service itself does not directly upload content, provide content, amend or edit the content transmitted by User.

2. EEO’s “Cloud” service highly recognizes the right of intellectual property of both individual User and entity User and provides entity User with a folder that secures the content in the folder (“my textbooks” folder) in “Cloud” services. The courseware provided by an entity User when creating classes is stored in the “my textbooks” folder of the class teacher’s “Cloud” service. The class teacher cannot move, copy, share, delete and/or rename the folder, as well as the courseware in the folder.

3. With the completion of each class, EEO’s “Cloud” service has the right to stop the class teacher from accessing the “my textbooks” folder.

4. Before the completion of each class, the class teacher should not store, steal, embezzle the courseware in the “my textbooks” folder. Entity User realizing class teachers that store, steal and/or embezzle the courseware of the entity should deprive the teacher’s right of teaching.

5. User shall solely bear the indemnity, constraint, and/or legal sanctions for storing, stealing, embezzling courseware of an entity.

6. If a difference arises in regard to the ownership of intellectual property of the courseware stored in EEO’s “Cloud” service, please follow instructions and format below including the reference number attached to each clause:

(1) Proof of ownership of the intellectual property holder in terms of trademark, copyright and/or other proprietary rights of the content violating intellectual property rights.

(2) Please sufficiently, clearly describe the content allegedly violating the owner’s rights and provide screenshot information of the content that was uploaded illegally.

(3) Please articulate which content allegedly violates the owner’s rights specified in clause 6(2) above.

(4) Please provide the intellectual property holder’s contact information including his name and a copy of his ID.

(5) Please provide the infringer’s basic information such as account number, nickname or entity’s name for EEO to contact the alleged infringer.

(6) Please include the statement of authenticity below in your right to claim:

(a) I am the legal owner of the complained content;

(b) I make the claim that the content used by the infringer violates my legal rights;

(c) I confirm, if the content of this claim is not entirely true, I would undertake all legal liability resulting therefrom.

(7) Please include the following statement in your right to claim: “I promise, all information in the claim is sufficient, true, and accurate. I am the legal owner of the content violating the intellectual property rights or I am authorized to exercise the rights listed in clause 6(2) above.”

(8) Please sign the document and annex the seal on the document if User is a legally incorporated organization.

VII. Limitation of liability

1. User understands and agrees that EEO offers User an online class platform for User to share, transmit and obtain information. User must be responsible for any action acted through User’s account including any content transmitted through User’s account, as well as any consequence resulting from the transmission of the content. User must assess any content transmitted through EEO or the Services independently and undertakes all risks resulting from the use of the content, as well as the reliance on the correctness, integrity and practicality of the content. In no event, EEO will be liable for any loss or damage caused by User whatsoever arising out of the use of or inability to use the Services or the provision of or failure to provide technical or other support services. If User realizes anyone violating this Agreement or using the Services inappropriately, please inform EEO immediately; EEO will process the incident in accordance with this Agreement.

2. User is at its own risk to use the Software and Services at any time reasonably, outside the control of EEO, or irrelevant to EEO, including but not limited to:

(1) risks such as loss and leakage of personal information as a result of system vulnerabilities, hacking or other force majeure factors under the circumstance that EEO has taken appropriate security measures;

(2) any problems or damages resulting from the event that software installed by the customer does not match the model number of the customer’s end equipment;

(3) risks possibly caused by a third party’s website and relevant content when the User accesses a third party’s website by using the software;

(4) the service login failure, uncompleted data synchronization, slow page opening speed, etc. due to wireless network signal instability, wireless network bandwidth and other reasons;

(5) risks of service interruption due to power failure, equipment failure, hacker invasion, natural disasters, and normal maintenance of equipment; and

(6) risks arising from force majeure, changes in laws or acts of competent authorities.

3. EEO has the right to review and supervise the use of Users, and deal with violations of relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement according to reasonable judgment. Users are obliged to accept the supervision and management of EEO and cooperate with the work of EEO. If EEO finds or receives reports/complaints from others that Users are suspected of one or more acts prohibited by laws and regulations or this Agreement in the process of using the Services, EEO has the right to delete, block or disconnect relevant contents at any time without notice, and take warnings and reminders, correct within a time limit, restrict account function, suspend use, close account Re-registration and other disposal measures are prohibited. EEO has the right to make an independent judgment on relevant acts or contents judge whether it is necessary to require you to issue relevant instructions or statement documents according to the specific circumstances and decide whether to resume use according to the actual situation. EEO has the right to keep relevant records of suspected violations of laws and regulations and suspected violations of laws and crimes, report to relevant authorities according to law, and cooperate with relevant authorities in the investigation and evidence collection. Users should bear all legal liabilities arising therefrom alone. You understand and agree that due to the needs of business development, EEO has the right to modify or interrupt, suspend or terminate the Service according to law.                                                           

VIII. Copyright Statement 

1. Except the intellectual property right of advertisements shown in the Services, in the course of your use of the Services, all the intellectual property rights (including trademark rights, copyright, trade secrets, etc.) of the content EEO offers (including but not limited to any webpages, text, pictures, audio, video, charts, interface designs, layout frames, data and procedures, code, files, animations, etc.) belong to us. All the intellectual property rights of the content generated in your use of the Services belong to you and/or the relevant right holders in accordance with the law, and the User shall not, without the written consent of relevant right holders, implement, use or transfer such intellectual property rights, information or materials in any manner.

2. Unless other special statements have been made, the copyright, patents, and other intellectual property rights of the software on which EEO relies to provide the Services shall be the property of EEO.

3. Any graphics, words and statements or combinations of both that are part of the Services, as well as the copyrights and trademarks of EEO’s logo, products, name of the Services (“EEO’s logo”) are the property of EEO. Without EEO’s written permission, User has no right to display or use EEO’s logo in any form, or indicate that User has the right to display, use and/or dispose of EEO’s logo in any form.

4. All the intellectual property rights above or else applicable to EEO and/or to the owners of the advertisements are protected by law. Without written permission from EEO or the owners of the advertisements, User cannot use and/or create derivative work relying on the content protected by the intellectual property rights.

5.  User should ensure that all kinds of information published in the process of using EEO’s products / our services do not involve infringement of third-party portraits, privacy, intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests. Otherwise, EEO has the right to take necessary measures at any time, including but not limited to deletion, disconnection, etc. In case of any right dispute arising from the infringement of the content you upload or any other right defect, User shall solve such dispute by yourself and bear the corresponding responsibility independently; If any third party claims the rights and interests of the authorized content from EEO, User should actively defend EEO against the third party, or provide EEO with necessary cooperation and assistance to defend against the third party according to our requirements (including but not limited to providing proof documents, materials, information, etc. related to the authorized content); In case of any loss caused to EEO due to the infringement of any other right defect of the content User upload, User shall compensate EEO for all losses suffered and eliminate the adverse impact on EEO caused by the infringement or right defect of the above-authorized content.

6. For the infringement of the authorized content, User agree that EEO has the right to protect the rights of the infringement of the authorized content in EEO’s name or in the name of User’s trustee, including but not limited to: monitoring the infringement, sending the right protection letter, filing a lawsuit or arbitration, mediation, settlement, etc. In this case, User further agrees that EEO has the right to make decisions and implement them independently; At our request, User will actively provide necessary assistance to the protection of our rights (including but not limited to providing necessary supporting documents, materials, information, etc. required for rights protection); After deducting our rights protection costs, the benefits (if any) obtained from rights protection will be shared with EEO in the proportion of half of each.

7. If User or other obliges find that the information published in EEO’s products is suspected of intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests disputes, and the relevant Users or obliges require EEO to delete the information published by Users or take other necessary measures to stop it, you shall submit relevant right certificates, links to the information suspected of infringement, preliminary evidence of infringement Complaint description and other materials, or send relevant complaint materials to product@eeoa.com Mailbox, we will review and take necessary measures according to law.

IX. Legal Liability

1. If EEO discovers or receives a report or complaint from a User of any breach of this Agreement, EEO has the right to examine, delete and block all relevant content, including but not limited to user information and chat logs, at any time without prior notice. Also, EEO has the right to punish the User of any non-compliance of his/her account (including, without limitation, warning, equipment ban, function ban and account ban) or even cancel the user’s account according to the severity of the offence committed by the User, and shall inform the User of the result. EEO will also assist the investigation at the request of the relevant government departments.

2. Any User banned due to violation of the Agreement may contact the customer service to inquire about the reasons for and duration of the ban, and may submit a complaint to the relevant webpage on the EEO website. EEO will review the complaint and make a reasonable decision about whether to change the punishment measures.

3. User understands and agrees that EEO is entitled, in its reasonable discretion, to penalize violations of any applicable laws and regulations or provisions of this Agreement and take appropriate legal actions against any User that violates laws or regulations and report such violations to the relevant authorities in accordance with laws and regulations. User shall bear all legal liabilities arising therefrom.

4. User understands and agrees that User shall indemnify and hold EEO, the cooperative company and their affiliates harmless from and against any claim, demand or loss brought by any third party, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of or resulting from User’s breach of this Agreement. After EEO has first borne the liability for administrative punishment or compensation for damages arising from the User’s behaviour, EEO is entitled to recover the damages from the User.

X. Force Majeure and Other Exemptions

1. User understands and confirms that, in the process of using the Services, User may encounter extraordinary events or circumstances beyond the control which result in the suspension of the Services. Extraordinary events or circumstances beyond the control refer to events that are unforeseeable, insurmountable and unavoidable that cause significant impact on either one or both parties and that include but are not limited to natural disasters such as flood, earthquake, the spread of plague, the spread of the pandemic, windstorm, as well as social events such as war, riot, acts of governments etc. With the occurrence of events above, EEO will cooperate with relevant authorities timely to restore the Services. But EEO is not liable for any loss undertaken by User and/or third parties if such loss is as a result of the events above.

2. Same as most other Internet services, the Services may be affected by factors including but not limited to User’s factors, internet service status, and social circumstances; the Services may be attacked by safety and security issues, such as others User’s data may be used to cause harassment in real life; User downloading and installing other software or accessing websites that contain “Trojan virus” which threaten User’s computer and data safety may affect the use of the Services. User should be aware of the significance of information safety, data protection, and password protection to avoid loss and harassment.

3. User understands and confirms that, in the process of using the Services, EEO is not liable for any loss undertaken by User or any third parties resulting from information that is misleading, fraudulent, defamatory, resentful and/or illegal, as well as information that assumes the rights and/or names of others, as well as the acts derived from the information above.

4. User understands and confirms that EEO needs to maintain or fix the EEO system and associated equipment from time to time, for which the interruption of the Services, within a reasonable period of time, does not impose any liability on EEO. EEO should make announcements prior to the maintenance or fix.

5. EEO has the right to process the content violating laws, regulations and the Agreement. The right does not constitute EEO’s duty or promise. EEO may not identify and/or process the content timely.

6. Unless otherwise expressly stated in writing, under the condition of compliance with laws and regulations, EEO does not make any express or implied statement or guarantee in any form for the information, content, materials, products or services on its website and client, including but not limited to quality, stability, accuracy, timeliness, integrity, consistency, security, etc, However, we promise to continuously improve the service quality and service level and provide you with better service.

7. We only bear the direct responsibility expressly agreed in this Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in this Agreement, in any case, the total amount of our liability for compensation under this Agreement shall not exceed the total amount of fees we charge for providing services to you. In any circumstances, EEO is not liable and/or undertake any responsibility for circumstantial, consequential, punitive, chance, special, and/or criminal loss, which include the loss of profits resulting from User using the Services even if the has been informed about the possibility of the loss.

XI. Change, Interruption and Termination of Services

1. Given the particularity of Internet service, User agrees that EEO has the right to amend, suspend or terminate part or all the Services.

2. In any one of the circumstances below, EEO has the right to alter, suspend or terminate the Services without any liability to User or any other third parties:

(1) User should provide real information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations but failed to provide correct information of person or entity, or the information provided by User is inconsistent with the information provided during the account registration without reasonable proof;

(2) User violated relevant laws and regulations and/or the Agreement.

(3) required by laws and regulations and requests made by relevant authorities.

(4) for reasons of safety or other necessary circumstances.XI. Miscellaneous

1. This Agreement includes related agreements and business rules about the Service that may be published by EEO from time to time. Upon formal release, the above content shall constitute an integral part of this Agreement and shall be observed by Users.

2. EEO has the right to amend the Agreement as and when necessary and the amended terms of the Agreement shall supersede the original terms once published. User may find the latest version of the Agreement on the EEO website or in the latest version of the Services. In case of major changes, we will publish or send announcements about the change of terms through effective means such as a web page or push notifications, so that you have the opportunity to review the change and make suggestions before the change takes effect. If you have any suggestions on the modification of this agreement, we will have the right to judge and decide whether and how to adapt your proposal within 7 days after we issue the updated terms. If User continues to use the Service after the terms and conditions have been modified by EEO, User shall be deemed to have accepted the modified terms and conditions. User should cease to use the service immediately if User does not accept the modified terms and conditions, and Customer’s continued use of the service may be deemed to be acceptance of the modified Agreement.

3. EEO reminds User to pay attention to the clauses that exempt EEO’s liability and constraint User’s rights. User should read the clauses carefully and take the risks into consideration. Minors should be accompanied by his/her legal custodian when reading this Agreement.

4.The validity and interpretation of this Agreement and the settlement of disputes arising hereunder shall be governed by Singapore law. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC Rules”) for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause. The seat of the arbitration shall be Singapore. The Tribunal shall consist of one arbitrator. The language of the arbitration shall be English.

5. If any term of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the term shall be restricted or excluded to the minimum extent necessary, and replaced by a new term that comes closest to expressing the intent of this Agreement, so that this Agreement will continue in full force and effect.

6. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and EEO relating to your use of the Software and hereby supersedes and cancels any prior written or oral agreement or understanding between you and EEO relating to such use.

7. If any term or provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining terms and provisions shall continue to be binding upon the Parties.